Well as you can see I've updated my blog. I hope everyone likes it. No new pictures right now but some updates on Miss Madilyn. I will be posting plenty of pictures over the next few weeks because we have our Gladney picnic and Church picnic on Sunday. Then we will be attending the Gladney Halloween party on Oct. 18th.
Madilyn is growing up. Time really does fly by so quickly. So here are her FIRSTS!!
1. She has officially cut her teeny tiny two bottom teeth. And of course they're adorable. I noticed them Friday, September 25, 2009. She also has a top tooth but it hasn't broken through.
2. She sat up from a propped position on Monday, September 28, 2009. I was so excited that I made her do it again!!
3. She did her 1st complete roll on Tuesday, September 29, 2009. I wasn't there but Scot witnessed it. He was so proud when he told me.
4. Madie will be celebrating her 1st Halloween this year in style. She will be Snow White. I'm so overly excited!!!! We're not going trick or treating but we will hand out candy!!
Last announcement: We recently joined the Methodist Church we've been attending; therefore, we have scheduled Madilyn's baptism for November 1st. I'm very proud and it will be wonderful to have my family and friends there to witness the event. It's especially meaningful because it's the Sunday before my grandmother's birthday. Madilyn's middle name is after my grandmother, Peggy.
Love and kisses to all.