

May 10, 2010

1 Year Old and Many Milestones

A few weeks ago I called Madilyn's birth mother. I was torn and wasn't sure if I should call because I thought maybe I might be interrupting her life but I felt like I needed to give her an update. I'm so glad I did because she was having a difficult time and missing Madilyn. She also confessed that she hadn't called at all because she didn't know us that well and she didn't want to upset us. We talked for quite a while and I was able to put her mind at ease. She expressed how thankful she is that we are able to give Madilyn such a wonderful life. Of course I thanked her for bringing Madilyn into this wonderful world. We love her more than we could have imagined and she brings us continuous joy. I can't wait to send her all of my new pictures of Madilyn from her first birthday party.

Speaking of birthday party...this weekend was definitely worth all the wait!! Madilyn had her very first birthday party. She absolutely had a blast. We all had so much fun watching her. The best part was placing the entire smash cake in front of her. She took her little finger and swiped some icing and ate it. Then I took her hand pressed it into the cake and she took it from there. She placed both of her tiny little hands into the cake and massaged it. It was hilarious. She had so much icing and cake on her hands and the she continuously shoved her "sweet" hands into her mouth to eat it. She was so mad when I took it away.

I also finally took Madie for her very first haircut. We just had her bangs cut and then they were blended with the sides. I wasn't ready to cut the rest of her hair.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day Weekend. Mine was very enjoyable and memorable. Scot was wonderful and he surprised me with a loving and meaningful gift. He bought me a sterling silver charm bracelet and it's all connected by hearts. My first charm is a little girl and he's going to have it engraved with Madilyn's name, her birthdate and the date we finalized her adoption. It's so wonderful because I can add to it when we adopt again!
